Argos PRO
The Argos Pro series is specially designed for the filtration of oil mists (emulsion like neat oil), vapours and fumes emitted by various mechanical processes.
The filter module is a unit specifically designed for the industrial sector, where robustness, reliability and simplicity of operation and maintenance are essential features.
Argos Pro is available in 3 sizes, with flow rates from 3,000 to 15,000 m3/h and with different combinations of increasing filtration efficiency, up to an efficiency of 99.95%.
The use of increasingly efficient filters and the possibility of using pre and post filtration systems allows for the use of Argos Pro in all modern mechanical processes, from the simplest to the most demanding.
The different construction models also make it easier to choose a solution that is always adequate for your needs without wasting energy on oversized systems or, on the contrary, inefficient on inadequately sized systems. For flow rates above 15,000 m3/h, modular filtration solutions can be created and customised centralised systems can be designed.

Access to the filter section is truly simple and straightforward. Simply open the lockable hinged door for easy access to the filters. These can be removed very easily and replaced quickly. The inner door and the new sloping tank allow for cleaner and more effective maintenance.

The use of high-efficiency centrifugal fans and the large flow rates generated make the Argos Pro series great for use for the extraction and filtration of large machine tools and centralised systems.

- The air inlet area, which connects the hoses to the filter, consists of a large section which acts as a stilling chamber.
- The air then passes through two separate, fully regenerable filter sections, a PVC labyrinth droplet separator and a G2 metal filter, with 80-90% efficiency in accordance with ISO 16890 – ISO COARSE 30%.
- The next area is the chamber housing the filter elements, pleated cartridges with a high filtering surface area that retain the finest impurities. The cartridges are lined with a highly absorbent coalescing filter that also facilitates homogeneous diffusion of the air flow over the entire cartridge section. This filter has an F5 filtration efficiency of 40-60%, while the cartridges have an F9 filtration efficiency of 95%.
Losma guarantees that each filter unit is individually tested through rigorous control procedures.
A quality and functional test certificate is issued for each unit.
Can obtain a very high level of filtration, 99.95% according to EN 1822. Especially suitable in the presence of micro-mists and fumes. The filter has an easy connection-uncoupling system for effective maintenance.

H13 Absolute filter clogging indicator light.

A system that combines a digital pressure switch and LED strip in 3 different colours (green, yellow and red) and allows easy and quick display of the clogging status of the filter elements.

Pump including float for automatic emptying of the drip tray.

Helical system that imparts a strong centrifugal motion to the air, facilitating the reaggregation of micro oil particles.

Motor frequency controller for optimising the air flow rate resulting in energy savings.