Working Clean, Breathing Healthy
Safety and environmental protection at the workplace are becoming prominent topics from a legislative and operational point of view, increasing awareness among companies, users, agencies, and regulatory bodies.
Manufacturing companies are directly affected by these issues, in particular those using machine tools, since they frequently use coolants (oils and emulsions), which, following mechanical actions, generate multiple polluting mixes, such as mist, vapour, fumes, and odours. Metal powders and shavings can be added to this list, depending on the materials processed.

Hence, the need for air filtration systems arises to eliminate these pollutants from the workplace. These systems are designed to meet a variety of requirements, including:
Inhaling these pollutants can pose serious health risks for those operating machine tools. Eliminating oily mists and the micro-metallic particles they contain from the work environment prevents respiratory and dermatological diseases and allergies.
Oily particles can build up on surfaces (floors, walls, etc.) and the machine tools, compromising their operation. From this point of view, air filtration helps prevent accidents caused by slippery surfaces and reduces the risks of fires and short circuits resulting from oil build-ups on electric panels and electronic devices.
Filtering oily mists and liquids ensures a cleaner environment and reduces maintenance costs. Preventing oily particles from building up on surfaces increases safety and helps the company save on cleaning and maintenance costs, minimising downtime resulting from malfunctions.
Installing an air or liquid filtration system reduces cleaning and maintenance costs, as well as those related to disposing of special waste. Moreover, once cleaned from the polluting particles, lubricant coolants can be reused in the production process, leading to cost savings. All Losma systems are designed to ensure top performance and energy efficiency to help reduce consumption.