If all factories were green, the air in the world would be cleaner
Since 1974, Losma has been designing and manufacturing air and liquid coolant purification systems. The company was founded with a mission to make the working environment healthier by focusing on filtration and ensuring a safe factory environment.

Since 1974, Losma has been designing and manufacturing air and liquid coolant purification systems. The company was founded with the mission of making the working environment healthier, focusing on filtration and ensuring a safe factory environment. In 2021, the Curno-based company, in partnership with two other companies from Bergamo, Fae Technology and Ma-El, won a major LIFE grant from the European Union. In fact, the Green Factory project was awarded among more than 1,700 projects that knocked on the doors of CINEA-the European Executive Agency for Climate Infrastructure and Environment.
The idea is to provide an integrated environmental sanitation system, which, through a series of air quality detectors distributed throughout the plant, is able to constantly monitor the pollution parameters of the entire production site. The research activity aims to lower Co2 levels, eliminate spores, molds, odors, carcinogens, as well as viral and bacterial charges in the air during the different processing cycles.
In fact, the air purification system involves a "hybrid" technique: in fact, PCO (photocatalytic oxidation) technology is integrated with UVC (germicidal ultraviolet irradiation) technology. The integration with IoT sensors and the predictive models being developed through the use of a real dashboard for analyzing the data collected on the plant will ensure greater plant efficiency, high levels of energy savings and fully predictive and automated maintenance.
After an entire year dedicated to the study, design and research of suitable materials and technologies, in July 2022, Losma was able to ground the first pilot plant, designed with the new "Green Factory" logic. The entire air purification system, complete with detection sensors, was installed at a company specializing in the manufacture of molds and equipment for cold metal forming. A complex and articulated vacuum system conveys the more than 15,000 cubic meters of air to be treated into the Argos Pro installed at the company.
Argos Pro is the beating heart of the technology being developed around the Green Factory project. Created as a cartridge filtration unit, it is designed for the purification of oily mists, vapors and fumes from a variety of mechanical machining processes. It is available in 3 construction sizes with flow rates from 3,000 to 15,000 m3/h with different combinations of increasing filtration efficiency, up to an efficiency of 99.97%. Equipped with a digital display for viewing the main functions and the unique "Led Up" system, it can signal the clogging status of the filter elements through three different colors.
The whole system of aspiration and detection of air pollution parameters, includes the possibility of managing the system remotely and being able to analyze in real time all the data collected, through a management panel and an analytical dashboard. IoT sensors developed to support this, will collect various information from the production environment to enable new value-added features of Losma's filtration systems.