Excellence and training: Losma responds in attendance
Two scholarships named after Giancarlo Losma were established in 2022: this year's ceremony was held last March 4 at Time - The Industrial Museum at Esperia High School.

It was the year 1974, a young and visionary neo-perito of the Itis Pietro Paleocapa of Bergamo, decided that the time had come to take the leap that would allow him to personally contribute with his know-how, to start a market that at that time, was still unknown to most people: dealing with the health of workers in the factory premises. That then young 27-year-old budding talent answered to the name of Giancarlo Losma, historical founder of the Curno-based company, now a world leader in air filtration and liquid coolant purification.

In April 2021, Covid sadly took Giancarlo Losma away at the age of 74. But not the will to go on. Letizia Invernizzi, his wife, has now been at the helm of the company for two years, and on the back of Giancarlo's glimpse of the future, she has decided to move forward and imagine a Losma beyond its founder, as he too would have wanted.
"Giancarlo's glimpse of the future is what moved me to establish two merit scholarships for the best students in the Mechanics, Mechatronics and Energy major at Esperia," comments Letizia Invernizzi, administrator of Losma SpA. "He would have been proud of these kids, their curiosity about the world and their desire to always achieve the best results." And so from remembrance to action, the step is short. In 2022, two merit scholarships named after Giancarlo Losma himself are established. This year's ceremony was held on Saturday, March 4, in the beautiful setting of Time - the Industrial Museum at Esperia High School. Present to award the students was for Losma, Eng. Silvano Alberti, Export Manager of Losma SpA and, as it happens, a graduate in mechanics right from Itis Paleocapa in Bergamo. "I was very happy and also excited to have participated in the presentation of the scholarship to the most deserving students," commented Eng. Alberti.
"I am re-entering my former school after a good 32 years, and believe me that some excitement has been there. It is good to see that there are good kids in a world where the new generation is seen, at times, only as capable of living in the world of "social." Their example of practicality and presence in reality, with the intent to get their hands dirty in order to grow, is really comforting."
Securing the two scholarships, were Matteo Ghisleni, class 5MA best graduate in the year 2021/2022 and Simone Locatelli, fourth year student in class 4MD, for the 2022/2023 school year.
But Losma SpA's focus on the education of the younger generation does not end there. Last December, more precisely on December 22, 2022, Eng. Gabriele Togni from Verdellino, graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Bergamo, with a research thesis precisely on the after-sales services offered by Losma to its customers. "I didn't want my master's thesis to be one with too much theoretical slant and not enough application," Gabriele confides. "I liked the idea of doing something as close as possible to the industrial world. And so, thanks to my supervisor, Engineer Emanuele Dovere, I found this opportunity. To study, analyze and if possible reorganize and optimize the after-sales services that Losma offers.
The research was developed in three macro-directions: customer flow management for the purchase of spare parts and maintenance requests, a spare parts and stock management plan, and finally an in-depth analysis on a Losma machine, the Darwin vacuum cleaner to analyze critical points and develop a related preventive/predictive maintenance." Now Gabriele, fresh out of his master's degree, is a maintenance engineer at Brembo SpA's production facility in Mapello. Gabriele's is a great experience, made possible also thanks to the well-established relationship that there has been since 2019, between Losma's after-sales service department, in the person of its manager Eng. Francesco Castelletti and Eng. Emanuele Dovere, who accompanied Gabriele during his thesis as thesis advisor.
It is in fact since 2019 that Losma has started a project to improve the after-sales service area with the support of a team of experts in Maintenance Engineering from the CELS Research Group of the University of Bergamo. In October 2021, the relationship was consolidated with the winning of a Lombardy Region tender, specifically to develop the issues of industrial maintenance management and Losma's After-Sales Services.
To date, Losma Service, offers an average of 200 technical interventions each year with more than 5,000 hours of maintenance at customer sites. Obviously, the team does not consist of only technicians, but the customer is constantly supported by dedicated backoffice figures for everything inherent in the request for spare parts, initial technical support, and the implementation of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance work.